Наберіть RPUS-L відкатний рулон
Type RPUS-L Slip-On Roll Prong The type RPUS-L Slip-On Roll Prong is designed for Prongs up to ∅82mm 'Under Slung' from the Fork Tines and is suitable for fabric, cable and coil products. These attachments quickly adapt to Forklifts rated ...

Тип Пристосування для підйому навантажувача RPS Розсувний рулонний накид
The Type RPS Forklift Lifting Attachments Slip-on Roll Prong is suitable for carpet vinyl,fabric etc.Unit are available for Class 2,Class 3 and Class 4 forklift carriages, along with pin mounted. All "QR" model roll prongs are fitted with "Quick Release" ...

PSM Наконечні котушки для навантажувача на валу PSM
Type PSM Pin Shaft Mounted Coil booms are heavy-duty attachments designed for handling carpet coil, steel coil, paper coil, plastic coil, wire coil or concrete pipe etc. All of our models can be installed on any standard forklift truck in ...

Навантажувачі для важких навантажувачів CM стандарт для вилочного навантажувача для килимів
Carriage mounted coil booms are heavy-duty attachments designed for handling carpet coil, steel coil, paper coil, etc. Available types: single-pole and double-pole which mainly used for chemical materials. SPECIFICATIONS: Model Capacity@ Load Center(Kg@mm) Mounting Class Bottom Width A(mm) Loopbar Length ...